Sunday, April 28, 2013

Part IV Lean On Me.

For a couple of weeks now I have mentioned the awesomeness of a particular person in my life.   It's time I introduce you to some VIP's. First and foremost is my husband Adam.  He is awesome for many reasons. My well- being has always been paramount in his life, and especially now with all this dialysis and kidney disease nonsense he has made sure that no matter what I need he will take care of it in some way,shape or form.  He is my best friend, my rock, my soul mate, my everything, I could not imagine going through this without him by my side.  He always finds a way to make me laugh and keep me laughing.  We have a long history of communicating with each other through movie quotes.  He  always has one on hand  to lighten the mood.  This ordeal has been very stressful on him. He works incredibly hard and does whatever he can to make sure his family has anything they need.  He puts up with a lot and I often don't give him enough credit.  I could go on but I don't want to bore you, you get the point!

I am extremely to connected to my family and, my family is so incredibly important to me. My parents are amazing loving people, who have gone so far above and beyond lately without question.  I am so blessed and lucky to have them by my side.  I talk to my mom several times a day and always have, my dad is there no matter what. I really feel bad that they have to travel this road when all they want to do is travel.  I love them so much.

Going through dialysis is crazy hard and has so many ups and downs.  The support of friends and family have gotten me through some of my worst days yet. I have amazing girlfriends who I am proud to say are my family too. You CAN NOT walk this path alone, it is dark, unfamiliar and often very bumpy. If you have good people around you, you are safe.  I love being able to call my mother-in-law who although lives some distance away, I can chat and catch up wish. She is a wonderful person who I wish was around more often.  Thank G-d for email!

Truly the people that keep me going are my kids. My boys are so special and I hate that they have to have any part in this. But they're smart, funny, easy going kids and they know "Mom'll be fine".  I couldn't talk about my VIP's and not mention my VID (very important dog), Penny.  She lays with me when I come home from dialysis and all I want to do is rest. She sits at my side when I'm cooking, she follows me into the bathroom or waits for me outside the door.  Dogs know how you feel before you feel it! She is my ally in this crazy house full of boys!  She talks to me too.  YES she really can talk!!!

I know this blog may be not as informative, or as interesting to some, but all I can say is that no matter who you are and what you are going through in your life. You NEED friends and family to support you!  There are times when you think you want to be alone, but in reality, when you think about it you just need someone by your side.

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